Donald Trump is at it again … delivering for his base!
As Sarah Kliff of Vox reports, “This week, his Justice Department filed a legal brief arguing that a judge should find Obamacare unconstitutional — a decision that would turn the insurance markets back into the Wild West and eliminate Medicaid coverage for millions of Americans. By at least one estimate, a full repeal could cost 20 million Americans their health care coverage.”
Oh, and on an even greater note, doing away with Obamacare would once and for all eliminate protections for people with pre-existing medical conditions!
What a week for Trump supporters! First his handpicked AG, William Barr, gives Trump, as he has boasted, “a complete and total exoneration” from any collusion or obstruction of justice, and now, the complete repeal of Obamacare? For Trumpsters, it just doesn’t get any better than this!
Well, maybe it could. Another round of tax cuts for corporations and billionaires would definitely add to their festive mood!
Photo | therobertreport.net