The White House has announced the location of the Donald J. Trump Presidential Library And Arcade. It will occupy the ground floor of the new Trump Moscow Resort and Casino to be built within a stone’s throw of Moscow’s Red Square.
It is being reported that the library will contain all of Mr. Trump’s favorite books, namely the Bible and The Art of the Deal. Trump’s personal collection of Marvel Comics will also be on display.
There will be a food court located in the center of the premises featuring multiple fast food outlets as well as a fun-for-all-ages arcade hall.
One of the library walls will feature a large screen displaying Trump’s voluminous tweets in a continuous loop.
A second wall will be filled with pictures of all the people that worked in the Trump administration who were fired, resigned or imprisoned.
A third wall will be completely covered by photos of all the people, and companies, Trump stiffed over the course of his lifetime.
A fourth wall will contain a long row of exit doors.
Said a White House aide, “Mr. Trump plans to ‘retire’ to Russia and he thought it would be wise to be near his big, beautiful, never-seen-anything-quite-like-it library. It is being predicted the library will become a huge tourist attraction that will give a boost to the Russian economy.”
Sources in the know are saying the entire project will be personally funded by Vladimir V. Putin.
Photo | rbth.com