As is their custom, Bill and Hillary Clinton celebrated Valentine’s Day with an intimate dinner at their favorite Chappaqua Italian restaurant, Old Stone Trattoria. Unknown to them, their conversation was secretly recorded. Below is a transcript of their discussion:
Hillary – “Bill, I’m scared.”
Bill – “Scared of what, baby?”
Hillary – “I’m afraid it’s going to be 2008 all over again. First Barack, now Bernie.”
Bill – “Now don’t worry. Bernie is no Obama. He’s an old man past his presidential expiration date. You’ll bounce back big in South Carolina. Believe me. Heck, Nate Silver has you up 95% to 5%!”
Hillary – “That’s what scares me. Just look at Nevada. I was up on Bernie 50%-27% just a month ago. Now polls show us tied at 45%. If I lose there next week, what’s going to happen in South Carolina?”
Bill – “You are going to win in Nevada … and South Carolina where Bernie has no chance. Do you think South Carolina voters are going to go for an old Jewish socialist? Really Hill!”
Hillary – “You’re probably right but I just have this sick feeling in my stomach. I can’t shake it.”
Bill – “Here, have some of this pinot noir and relax. No matter what happens with Nevada, you’ve got the black vote sewn up in South Carolina. They love you there.”
Hillary – “Bill, why don’t people everywhere love me? Am I just unlikable?”
Bill – “You’re likeable enough.”
Hillary – “There it is! That’s exactly what Barack said during one of our debates! That’s it! I’m losing because people hate me!”
Bill – “You’ve just got to try some of this rigatoni alfredo. The best!”
Hillary – “Are you listening to what I’m saying? I don’t want to taste your goddamn rigatoni alfredo!”
Bill – “Chill baby, chill. It’s going to be just fine. The whole establishment is pulling for you and Debbie has got your back.”
Hillary – “That’s it. That’s what it is. People just out and out hate me! I’m done. I’m through. I can’t take this. Let’s go!”
Bill – “But honey, not before their world-famous cheesecake!”
That is where the conversation ended. Bill did have enough time to ask for a doggy bag for his pasta and a slice of cheesecake to go.
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There’s a theory that Hillary is not genuine because she is secretly a lesbian and just doesn’t know how to be truthful about anything. Hence she comes off robotic.
Wouldn’t surprise me.
Hil-LIAR-y is probably a MASSIVE snatch-eating lesbian! But she hates herself for it, because her entire world has been constructed around GREED, DELUSION and LIES!
Even Bill sits there telling her lie after lie after lie just to appease her rancid cooch!
They even lie to each other so why should any of us be surprised that they lie to us as well?
Poor Hil-LIAR-y. She really seems dismayed that the world doesn’t revolve around her. There, there. Let us serve you a nice hot cup of shut the fuck up!
“Voting for Hil-LIAR-y Clinton just because she is a woman is like eating a turd just because it looks like a fucking Tootsie Roll!” – Jon B.
“If you’re voting for Hil-LIAR-y Clinton raise your right hand. Now use it to slap the living shit out of yourself with it! You’re an idiot!’ – Jon B.
Vote for Rodham-
And scrape the bottom!
Be well-
I have heard those rumors!
Jon, funny stuff. But if she is the Democratic nominee, we need to hold our noses and vote for her.
If she becomes the democratic nominee, I’M VOTING FOR DONALD TRUMP!!!
NO!!!!! Jon! Democrats need to stick together. Stakes too high.
NO!!!!!! I won’t vote for, absolutely will NOT vote for a MALEHATING, SELFISH, GREEDY, LIAR! NO WAY!
Sorry! But I have talked with MANY democrats online and in person who feel just as I do!
I guess you don’t believe in the lesser of two evils theory. ANY Repug as president would be, by far, the greater evil. Our country would be the laughingstock of the world. I know Bernie supporters are a passionate bunch. But in the end I believe cooler heads will prevail
That remains to be seen. But counting Bernie out just now may prove to be the BERN that you need to help wake you up! You’ll come around. Of that I have NO DOUBT!
Watch, wait and see, cool guy. <[;–)
I’m for Bernie! But if he is not the nominee, we need to hold our noses and vote for Hillary.
Sorry, buddy, but I do NOT want to see a woman as a president (especially that conniving, canine bitch, Hil-LIAR-y Clinton) residing over men! NO WAY, NO HOW! It’s never gonna’ be!
Check out the following and see why:
Nobody in their right mind would vote for a phony, corrupt, Wall Street lap dog, perpetually lying, war-mongering, flip-flopping, money-grubbing, pandering, bought, incompetent, Feminazi, corporate lackey, e-mail security nincompoop, gutter mouth, neocon, sniper hallucinating, FBI investigating, foreign policy nightmare, serial wife failure, scandal-ridden Goldwater girl, and her sleazy, rape-accused, impeached for perjury, disbarred, sexual predator, sexist, misogynist, ignoramus husband. Sanders 2016 by a landslide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They even lie to each other, so why should we be surprised that they lie to us as well?…
Records Set during the Clinton presidency.
– Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates
– Most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation
– Most number of witnesses to flee the country or refuse to testify
– Most number of witnesses to die suddenly
– First president sued for sexual harassment.
– Second president accused of rape
– First lady to come under criminal investigation
– Largest criminal plea agreement in an illegal campaign contribution
– First president to establish a legal defense fund.
– First president to be held in contempt of court
– Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions
– Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions from abroad and
like the Energizer bunny, they’re still going and going and going.
– Number of individuals and businesses associated with the Clinton
machine who have been convicted of or pleaded guilty to crimes: 47
– Number of these convictions during Clinton’s presidency: 33
– Number of indictments/misdemeanor charges: 61
– Number of congressional witnesses who have pleaded the Fifth Amendment, fled the country to avoid testifying, or (in the case of foreign witnesses) refused to be interviewed: 122
– As of June 2000, the Justice Department listed 25 people indicted and 19 convicted because of the 1996 Clinton-Gore fundraising scandals.
– According to the House Committee on Government Reform in September 2000, 79 House and Senate witnesses asserted the Fifth Amendment in the course of investigations into Gore’s last fundraising campaign.
-James Riady entered a plea agreement to pay an $8.5 million fine for campaign finance crimes. This was a record under campaign finance laws.
Drug trafficking (3), racketeering, extortion, bribery (4), tax evasion, kickbacks, embezzlement (2), fraud (12), conspiracy (5), fraudulent loans, illegal gifts (1), illegal campaign contributions (5), money laundering (6), perjury, obstruction of justice.
Bank and mail fraud,
Violations of campaign finance laws,
Illegal foreign campaign funding,
Improper exports of sensitive technology,
Physical violence and threats of violence,
Solicitation of perjury,
Intimidation of witnesses,
Bribery of witnesses,
Attempted intimidation of prosecutors,
Perjury before congressional committees,
Lying in statements to federal investigators and regulatory officials,
Flight of witnesses,
Obstruction of justice,
Bribery of cabinet members,
Real estate fraud, tax fraud, drug trafficking,
Failure to investigate drug trafficking,
Bribery of state officials,
Use of state police for personal purposes,
Exchange of promotions or benefits for sexual favors,
Using state police to provide false court testimony,
Laundering of drug money through a state agency,
False reports by medical examiners and others investigating suspicious deaths,
The firing of the RTC and FBI director when these agencies were investigating Clinton and his associates,
Failure to conduct autopsies in suspicious deaths,
Providing jobs in return for silence by witnesses,
Drug abuse,
Improper acquisition and use of 900 FBI files,
Improper futures trading,
Sexual abuse of employees,
False testimony before a federal judge,
Shredding of documents,
Withholding and concealment of subpoenaed documents,
Fabricated charges against (and improper firing of) White House employees,
Pardoning of drug traffickers,
Foreign agents and participants in organized crime to the White House.
Possession of personal server to conduct official state public business. (End)
Vote for Rodham-
And scrape the bottom!
Like me on Facebook, dammit! <[:-)
The check out this, friend-
Hil-LIAR-y Clinton is a 68 year old dyspeptic Feminazi termagant!
Why Hil-LIAR-y Clinton does N deserve the black vote:
“Hil-LIAR-y Clinton is in rare form these days. Medium rare!” – Jon Bond
And how about the rest of us in sensitive Government positions. Can we too ignore the law and have our own personal emails for official Government use? Or should we as a group be obligated to the law and make an exception for Hillary? Which is it?
Given the option of Hil-LIAR-y or a Mexican drug lord, who would you trust more? I think it’s safe to say that the drug lord is more honest and reliable.
Read below about how she cursed and disrespected president Barack Obama in yet another of her kotex-adrenaline rants:
The book, “Unlikeable: The Problem with Hillary,” says the former first lady was furious at what she believed were damaging leaks by Obama aides that led to investigations of her use of a private email server as secretary of state. So she went right to the top to settle the matter.
Clinton requested a meeting with Obama, against the advice of hubby Bill Clinton, believing “she was being persecuted for minor, meaningless violations,” author Edward Klein writes.
Clinton initially took a friendly approach during the meeting and Obama reacted as if he didn’t know what she was talking about, the book claims.
“He was almost being deliberately dense,” a Clinton source said. “It really angered her.”
Clinton lost her temper and called the president by his first name in an emotionally driven break with White House decorum, according to the book.
“What I want for you to do is call off your f*c*ing dogs, Barack!” Clinton allegedly barked at Obama, according to Klein’s account, which cited sources close to Clinton and Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett.
The president was so stunned by Clinton’s disrespectful demands, he needed a moment to compose himself, the book claims.
Obama then responded, “There is nothing I can do for you one way or another. Things have been set in motion, and I can’t and won’t interfere. Your problems are, frankly, of your own making. If you had been honest . . .”
Hillary Clinton’s worst enemy isn’t Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, Obama, Sanders, Biden, nor anyone to the left or the far right.
Hil-LIAR-y Clinton’s greatest foe and enemy is also her worst nightmare…
BERN IN 2016! (Failing that, then STUMP FOR TRUMP!)
And finally-
The following message was not brought to you by a liberal, a conservative nor an independent.
Just a sensible, honest human being.
Poor, deluded, Satanic, 33rd degree Freemason, selfish, moral-less Hillary Clinton, folks.
Hil-LIAR-y Clinton, ladies and gentlemen. A practicing malehating feminist, a staunch male misogynist, a perfect b i t c h, and the quintessential liar as well.
Get ready to kiss your deluded premenstrual presidential bid goodbye, Hi-LIAR-y, as you and it now go the way of the dinosaurs.
Read below about how she cursed and disrespected president Barack Obama in yet another of her kotex-adrenaline rants:
The book, “Unlikeable: The Problem with Hillary,” says the former first lady was furious at what she believed were damaging leaks by Obama aides that led to investigations of her use of a private email server as secretary of state. So she went right to the top to settle the matter.
Clinton requested a meeting with Obama, against the advice of hubby Bill Clinton, believing “she was being persecuted for minor, meaningless violations,” author Edward Klein writes.
Clinton initially took a friendly approach during the meeting and Obama reacted as if he didn’t know what she was talking about, the book claims.
“He was almost being deliberately dense,” a Clinton source said. “It really angered her.”
Clinton lost her temper and called the president by his first name in an emotionally driven break with White House decorum, according to the book.
“What I want for you to do is call off your f*c*ing dogs, Barack!” Clinton allegedly barked at Obama, according to Klein’s account, which cited sources close to Clinton and Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett.
The president was so stunned by Clinton’s disrespectful demands, he needed a moment to compose himself, the book claims.
Obama then responded, “There is nothing I can do for you one way or another. Things have been set in motion, and I can’t and won’t interfere. Your problems are, frankly, of your own making. If you had been honest . . .”
You know, it’s just an opinion, but due to the location of Hillary’s brain it may be a good idea for her to try Preparation H in order to clear up any potential congenital clotting and clogging.
The mind is a terrible thing. Here is a person who has no morals or ethics her entire career. But calling it your job does not make it right.
As a lawyer in 1975 she defended a 41 year old man who raped a 12 year old little girl. She laughed at and ridiculed the child even though they had blood soaked underwear from the suspect that matched the victim. She managed to get the guy off with a slap on the wrist. Later she was fired for unethical behavior from her first lawyer job. All the way forward to Benghazi and the email scandal we see a pattern of a person who talks out of both sides of her face, and lies like a rug. She is slicker than dog poop. Hopefully the American people are smarter than that.
Hillary Clinton is proving she can’t be trusted. First, there were no emails. Then there were 55,000 emails turned over. Next there was no knowledge of a server or how it worked. Then there was a wiped server, and the FBI recovered deleted emails. Then came an apology and acknowledgement that she had knowingly used a personal server for official high security emails. Just yesterday, Hillary said she is trying to be as transparent as she can be. Imagine how transparent she would be as president. Hillary is a disaster in the making.
This is so much more than her emails and server. That’s what they want you to focus on. Every 16 year old wants the school computer in their basement. State could have easily paid for, installed, and secured a private server on-site.
She says “I don’t know anything about this stuff.” Then why did you pay someone 5 grand under the table, when as you’ve said, “I was the one in charge” and a snap of fingers would have had that done at State? At no cost to herself.
Sometimes the truth is so obvious you just can’t see it.
There is a taped interview with The Wicked B**ch Of The South laughing about how she’d never trust a polygraph after her client passed the test. She humiliated the girl by convincing the jury that she fantasized about sex with adult men. The victim, now in her fifties, has been under psychiatric care for almost four decades.
Finally, there are gaps totaling five months in the Hillary Clinton emails released by the State Department, the watchdog group Judicial Watch announced Monday morning.
The revelation emerged after a court ordered the release of State Department documents as part of Judicial Watch’s effort to obtain Clinton emails under the Freedom of Information Act. Emails sent and received by Clinton on her private server are missing over periods totaling five months, beginning when she took office as secretary of state in 2009.
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said the gaps indicate Clinton lied under oath when she said all her emails had been turned over, and it suggested government officials had not turned over everything they were required to deliver. Contrary to her denials, government inspectors revealed Clinton did have classified information on her private server, which security experts say was especially vulnerable to hacking by foreign intelligence agencies. That determination by the State Department is significant, because Clinton said she deleted more than 30,000 emails that her own staff had determined were personal.
Clinton is evil. Clinton is pro Child Rapist. If you vote for her you will be too.
Her latest scandal, as of January 31, 2016, is her continuing self-generated nightmare surrounding her blatant and horrible security risks surrounding her email serving containing high security information on her unguarded private server, as follows:
Hillary Clinton’s worst enemy isn’t Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, Obama, Sanders, Biden, nor anyone to the left or the far right.
Hil-LIAR-y Clinton’s greatest foe and enemy is also her worst nightmare…
The overwhelming problem for Hillary Clinton isn’t her ingenuity, but rather her incessant unavoidable, repeatedly disingenuous, nasty habit of being caught time after time, again and again, in lie after lie after lie.
So, you see, it’s not that she IS a bold face liar; just an obsequious and dishonest one. There IS a difference, you know? A bold face liar lies without a conscience. An obsequious liar only tells “little white lies”. Hillary Clinton only tells “little white lies”. I guess that makes her a little white liar!
The only way that Hillary Clinton shall ever get into the White House will be on invitation only.
“Mrs. Clinton, a uterus does not qualify you to be president!”
If you want to know what kind of job somebody shall do for you, all you really have to do is to observe their past. And Hil_LIAR-y Clinton’s past reads like a chapter out of Hell’s Bells!
No way for Hil-LIAR-y, but every way for BERNIE or TRUMP!
You are certainly entitled to your opinion and should vote for your candidate of choice. I must say your hatred for the woman is beyond intense.
The odds are still great that she will be the Democratic nominee. But if Trump is your candidate, it’s your vote.
“There’s no deception like self-deception.” – Jon B.
Typical, that you only cherry pick and choose your judgments of me, just like most self-righteous right wingnuts, as if you knew everything about me and about how horribly women have treated me and men in general throughout history. How sad that you apparently look at the world through your own narrowminded tunnel vision and rose-colored glasses and then judge others according to your own limited and perhaps even delusional standards. What a fantastic way to stay misunderstood, lonely and miserable for the rest of your life.
More sad is the fact that out of all of the truthful information that I proffered you above, all that you can apparently draw and take out of it is that I hate women? So where does your denial end and reality set in for you? There are plenty of good women in the world, same as men, and there is both good and evil in everything and everyone. However, in the case of Hil-LIAR-y and the Clinton’s in general, her/their crimes have stacked up and mounted up on high against their fellow man. Judging and labeling me a sexist or misogynist will not change this truth in any way, shape or form.
I don’t understand just how someone can see the truth starring and glaring them in the face, and yet still vote to go over the edge, screaming all the way as they plummet to their own self-made, terrifying, inevitable destruction and doom. I guess it’s true what is known in both physics and metaphysics: We go all the way down, and then we come back up. (8) OR (0) So be it.
Nevertheless, when you get the chance, please allow yourself to go back up above and re-read the truth that I have so kindly proffered you, and instead of twisting it all to make me out as being just another misogynist, as if that would somehow cancel the impact of it all when it absolutely doesn’t, why not allow yourself to see it clearly and then judge according, without bias and prejudice towards me, but openmindness and propriety only towards the truth.
“Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they’re open.” – Thomas Dewar
“There is so much evil in the best of us, and so much good in the worst of us, that it shall destroy any of us to judge the rest of us!” – Jon B.
No disrespect, and certainly no harm to you, John. Vote your conscience, after all, what else can we vote with?
“Most people cannot handle the truth. For instance, in America, people will often say, “Tell us the truth! We want the truth!!” And then when you tell it to them, they turn on you like sharks to tear you to pieces for it!” – Jon B.
“The lady doth protest too much, me thinks. Just who is she attempting to fool with her pretended rage?” – William Shakespeare, Lady Macbeth
Be well-
Please re-read my comment. I did not accuse you of hating women. When I said “I must say your hatred for the woman is beyond intense,” I was referring to your Hillary hatred only. You accuse me of judging you a sexist or misogynist? Where did that come from? Yes, the lady doth protest too much, methinks. Lighten up.
So you’re objectionable to my objectivity because you conveniently choose to see only my objections instead of focusing on the truths that I proffered you above? If that’s not being obstructive and obtusive, then please tell me what is. Does the word HYPOCRITE ring a bell for you?
And rather than admitting that the evidence above is rather extensive, not to mention overwhelming, you sidestep it by judging me as being too intense, thus trading on truth and research for silly and pedantic finger pointing in order to avoid the truth of your own hypocrisy. Nice.
“Judgment by way of insinuation is still indictment by incrimination.” – Jon B.
I would suggest that you take your own advice and lighten up, as your defensiveness gives you away for being self-righteous and judgmental. I do not hate Hil-LIAR-y, but rather I hate her behaviorisms, her male misogyny, her greed, the fact that her incompetence, carelessness, and stupidity cost the lives of 4 good Americans in Benghazi, whose families are still very much destroyed and torn apart by this, not to mention the fact that it made the United States the laughing stock of the world politically, her almost instinctive self-deception and public deception, her Satanic ties and selfishness, along with her priggish, servile willingness to lie to the American people at the drop of a hat.
Having an opinion is not opus for lightening up, as you so flippantly and inaccurately put it. You’re passionate about voting for an establishment charlatan and a liar (Hil-LIAR-y Clinton); I’m passionate about voting for revolution and change (BERNIE SANDERS or DONALD TRUMP). She seems to be winning in Nevada, so I guess you can now go ahead and gloat. However, the race isn’t over yet. And she has still yet to beat Trump, who may, as it seems, turn out to be far more of a challenge to her ridiculous bid for POTUS than most people might concur at first glance. Moreover, she has yet to see the end of her massive FBI investigation into her scandalous and foolish handling of a private server with highly sensitive documents that were extremely vulnerable to hacking and left the United States open to possible cyber and national attack.
One of the great things about living in the greatest country on earth is the fact that we still have our 2nd and 14th amendment rights of Freedom of Speech, etc. If you write to me, I can only assume it is because you wish a response in return, to which I am always happy to oblige. Touche’.
And since it was my mention first, I’ll take bragging rights on my volley back to you again when I initially said, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks. Just whom are you attempting to fool with your pretended rage?” – William Shakespeare
Failing this, please consult your local mirror for further details.
Take care-
I am a strong believer in the First amendment, Freedom of Speech. Even though I disagree with what you have written, I am publishing it nonetheless.
Fair enough to disagree, as this is your right, even though I too disagree with what you have written and just cannot see how you could vote for a woe-man like Hil-LIAR-y to be POTUS, just as it is my right now to vote for Donald Trump at my every chance from now on since it looks as though our man, Mr. Bernie Sanders, may not be able to pull off the democratic nomination.
And although you turn your nose up to the truth so previously presented to you before, which I find to be utterly insane, it is, nevertheless, your right to do so. But I shall keep right on telling the truth about the Clintons and their nefarious, evil, destructive empire that has cost the lives of many people and harmed a great many minorities, GLBT people and women across the nation in many unknown and terrible ways.
Check out the following for yourself:
Much to your denial and ill-indifference, Hil-LIAR-y is more than likely about to be indicted as of TODAY, 2.21.2016! Read it and see the truth for yourself, John.
Be sure that when you’re publishing, you don’t break any of my 1st, 2nd and 14th amendment rights, alright? And although you are entitled to your point of view, you are not entitled to break the law by violating my rights. Thank you.
Be well-
I went to both of your links. I don’t know how reliable Tom DeLay is as a news source, but if she is going to be indicted, let’s get on with it. As for the video, I’ve heard all the allegations in one form or another. It didn’t even mention what I think is one of the biggest Clinton scandals, the Clinton Foundation. With all those crimes and all that investigating, wouldn’t you think that one “misdeed” would stick? Look, I have never liked the Clintons. I think the are trailer-park grifters. But I would still never vote for a Republican, any Republican. The next president will appoint one, two or even three Supreme Court justices. This will have an impact on the country for decades. At least I know Hillary would not appoint another Scalia.
“That there is a devil
There is no doubt-
But is he trying to get in us
Or trying to get out?!” – Jon B.
For once we can agree; the Clinton Foundation reads like a chapter out of Nightmare On Elm Street! And they are every bit as wicked, conniving, twisted and sadistic as was Scalia, believe you me! Even Trump doesn’t possess the truly vicarious and maliciously twisted record deceit, betrayal, greed, hatred, cooperate meandering, and servile savagery that the Luciferian Clintons and the demonic Bushes do!
Look, I can most certainly agree with you on the point of the demon, Scalia, or as I like to refer to him as “Scablia”, who seemed to do everything that he could to make war upon the American people and most of its citizens, saving the smallest few within his narrow band of supporters whom he felt morally and financially obligated to, most of whom I’m sure wore sheets, hoods and practiced satanic rituals along himself in secret, as a fellow member of Jesuit Opus Dei Satanist. Go here for further details:
As par Hil-LIAR-y and her selling of her soul to Satan for her much maligned success, do NOT unerestimate the maliciousness, the greed, and the witchery that is Hil-LIAR-y. Please visit the following site for greater details:
Hillary Clinton’s Secret College Thesis on Satanist Saul Alinsky LEAKED
And go here to learn more about her and Bill’s nefarious and odious connections with The Bilderbergs, Freemasons, The Luciferians, and the Illuminati:
Hillary Clinton w/ Devil Horns on the cover of Time Magazine EXPOSED
Satanic women set up by the Elite Satanists to run your country and strip you of your rights and freedoms in the nearby future are coming quickly!
Hillary ~ So Evil Even Illuminate Fear Making Her President:
Witness what has happened to many of the Clinton’s so-called friends:
It all reads like a deposition from Hell’s Bells!
Moreover, this is why if that demon, Hil-LIAR-y, becomes the democratic frontrunner, then you can rest assured that me along with literally thousands of my associates, friends, family, colleagues and relatives shall do everything we can to get out and rock the vote for Trump! Count on it!!! HELLIARY MUST NOT BECOME THE ISIS LINKED, SATAN WORSHIPING, FEMINAZI POTUS!
More still, deals to the fact that she hates men in general period! She is the Great Whore of Babylon and a FEMINAZI! Read on, if you dare!:
Feminazis/Feminism, a movement that I like to refer to as “Penis Envy”, has as its major goal NOT the equality and equanimity of the sexes, nor the equality of women being seen and treated as equals with men, but rather the total domination, humiliation and subjugation, if not the totalitarian destruction, of men. Period!
Not all women are feminazis/feminists, however, all feminists/feminazis do much damage and cause much harm to all women by setting them back into the dark ages, thus turning most men against them by way of violence, evisceratingly high divorce rates, rape, fatherless homes and families, endearing mistrust, endless hatred and crushing indifference between the sexes, along with a whole host of greater and lesser sins such as sociological and psychological warfare, and the bullying of men in the judicial court systems, financial and emotional blackmail, and all manner of atrocities that are tearing this nation and its people apart.
We’re already butchering, murdering, killing and destroying ourselves and each other; so how much longer before the next dirty bomb, terrorist attack or bullet has our name on it?
Sorry. Don’t mean to rant, but I am a socialist as is Bernie Sanders. I think that if we don’t return to our traditional standards and values in the best sense of the term and meaning, instead of continuing in the bastardized egocentric way of life that we are currently living and experiencing, then we as a nation are not long for this world. We’re finished!
I could never betray our founding fathers by electing a satanic Luciferian reject to the most powerful throne on earth! That’s all the more reason that both me and so many thousands of my associates stand adamantly about electing Trump should Helliary become the democratic frontrunner. I mean this with all the electromagnetic power of my soul and being!
“Those who stand for nothing shall fall for anything.” – Abraham Lincoln
“Oh what a tangled web we weave-
When first we practice to deceive.” – Sir Walter Scott
(Marmion, 1808)
You know, John, despite our differences politically, I feel that you are probably one hell of a writer, thinker and very conscientious young man. Sometimes we have to look beyond the surface into the depths of what people are NOT saying, and perhaps don’t know how to say, in order to truly understand them and get to know and what they really are about.
“Knowledge is power, yes. But only if we have the courage and the common sense to use it. This isn’t easy. It takes more strength than you might believe.” – Jon B.
Very good speaking with, John, and take care-
With respect-
Jon B.
Quote: “The next president will appoint one, two or even three Supreme Court justices. This will have an impact on the country for decades. At least I know Hillary would not appoint another Scalia.” – End quote.
What if she ends up electing someone a million times worse?! Then the impact of what you have done, and the beast that you have elected, along with the terribly devastating concentric waves both politically and literally could reverberate for centuries, thus leaving us all in the hands of the true owners of the Illuminati and the Jesuit Priests; the Reptilians. The most vicious and malicious enslavers and oppressors of mankind ever!
Forewarned is forearmed.
Jon, thanks for another lengthy post … and the compliment. I do not want to continue this back forth about Hillary. We know where we stand. Suffice it to say voting for what I see as a crude individual like Trump is your right and that of your associates.May God continue to bless the United States of America.
I believe the odds of Hillary nominating a Supreme Court Justice a million times worse than Scalia are as remote as Trump being our next president. Let’s just leave it at that. Deal?
It would be nice if you possessed sufficient strength to go and research what I have proffered you instead of opting weakly to accuse me of lengthy posts, simply because I know what I’m talking about, have researched it very deeply, and have much to say too.
Everything that Hil-LIAR-y has touched in every way has turned to crap with many lives lost to boot in the past, so there’s absolutely NO reason whatsoever to believe that this shall change in the future. You can call it what you want, I call it as I see it.
Jon, for every link you supply me, I can give you another offering up the opposite viewpoint. Case in point. Tom DeLay says FBI ready to indict Hillary. Really? I do not want to do this back and forth. FYI I do my research and it’s broad based.